Spinifex Brewery in Cable Beach Reaches the Final Stages of Fit out

Spinifex Brewery
Spinifex Brewery in Cable Beach Reaches the Final Stages of Fit out

We're back with another exciting update on the construction progress of the soon-to-be iconic Spinifex Brewery in Cable Beach. The past week has been a whirlwind of activity as the heart of the brewery takes shape, with the installation of the kitchen and bar facilities. The excitement is brewing, and we can't wait to share the latest developments with you.

As the countdown begins our team have been hard at work installing our shiny new kitchen and bar facilities, bringing us one step closer to the ultimate brewing and dining experience.

Kitchen facilities

Imagine the delightful aromas of gourmet dishes and the clinking of glasses as patrons enjoy their favourite craft brews. With these essential elements in place, we're on track to create a space that not only satisfies your thirst for exceptionally crafted beers but also tantalizes your taste buds with our modern Australian menu.

Our highest priority is of course, to create Broome's first truly family-friendly brewery. So it is only fitting that the next exciting addition to our brewery is our playground.

The sandpit site for our playground

In the coming weeks, the beautiful beaten copper woodfired pizza oven will be installed alongside the 6HL Flying Foam Micro-brewery. Get ready to enjoy the Wet Season in Broome like never before, as we prepare to finalize the fit-out of our crown jewel.