Common Questions

We are proud to be supporting a range of local Indigenous farmers. Our suppliers consist of a network of Aboriginal farmers who grow and harvest our botanicals for our Indigenous partner supply organisations; Rivergum and Bin Dam Mie. We are always on the lookout for Indigenous farmers who would like to join our supply chain.

Yes most of our beers contain gluten. However, our Gubinge Ginger Beer and Alcoholic Ginger Beer are certified Gluten Free!

We believe in drinking responsibly and the experience of sharing a few quality brews with mates is more important to us. We are experts in crafting delicious beers that are full of flavour and body that you can enjoy without the risk of getting a sore head!

Our brand new brewing facility is featured in Western Australia’s very first Food Innovation Precinct (FIPWA) in Nambeelup. We will be crafting our fantastic beers alongside some of the most innovative minds in research and agriculture including Murdoch University and The Grow Hub.

We suggest keeping our beers refrigerated and cold so they can be kept nice and ready for drinking.

Looking to collaborate! Yes, we want to hear from you. We are focused on the community. Drop us a line at and our team will be in touch.

Sustainability is one of our core values at Spinifex Brewing Co. We’re hyper focused on reducing our waste where possible and have developed key partnerships with sustainable, likeminded suppliers who assist us on our mission such as Donut Waste.

We are a growing company and always looking for passionate and energetic people to join our team. We advertise positions on our social media pages, follow us and get in touch. Alternatively, drop us a line at

Yes! We started out just like you. Find out more on our Brew with us page.